Sweet Corn Fresh Market
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Pot of Gold is a short stature corn for home gardeners. This stout gem has exceptional eating quality, and exceptional germination. It is a prolific producer that can produce 2 ears per plant. Its short stature will not shade other plants, making it a good garden companion that any home gardener will appreciate.

Duration is a widely adapted yellow shipper with high yield potential and a strong disease package. It has a sturdy, clean plant, attractive, flavorful ears with straight rowing and good tip fill. Duration is the yellow sister to Globetrotter.

Eden RMN is the white sweet corn in the Nirvana Series. This pearl white variety has the sh2i gene, an elevated disease resistance with good emergence and vigor, and is easy to pick and pack due to a short shank. It has strong holding power in and out of the field, and most importantly, generates a strong consumer following for its unique taste and texture. The crisp texture and bite is extraordinary and the sweetness in taste is unsurpassed. The Nirvana Series is also high yielding with uniform, full tipped ears and even rowing.

Equinox is a first early yellow variety that brings an ease in harvest and packaging with nice husk protection, a good looking ear, strong tip fill and short shank. It also has the benefits of the new sh2i gene in its seed quality. It’s known for having the best eating quality and seedling vigor in its class.

Globetrotter is a widely adapted bicolor with high yield potential and is known for its shipping capabilities. It features a strong disease package along with a sturdy, clean plant. The ears are attractive and flavorful with straight rowing and good tip fill.

Golden Halo is the newest addition to the Nirvana Series and it has the added benefits of the sh2i seed with ease in planting and emergence. This 75 day yellow sweet corn features the same great eating quality as the Nirvana bicolor, but now in yellow. In addition to that great Nirvana taste and emergence you will find an improved husk package and a higher ear placement. This is a great compliment to the original Nirvana, and the yellow variety broadens the color palette of the Nirvana Series.

Nirvana is the best of all worlds. It has vigor and emergence with the new sh2i Seed and the highest quality taste and texture. Its sweetness and bite are truly unique. Nirvana is high yielding with uniform, full tipped ears that have good kernel contrast and rowing. Nirvana continues to raise the bar with an exceptional snap, ease in packing, and its holding power. Although recently released, Nirvana has become a favorite among consumers and has a dedicated following for its crisp texture, bite, and flavor.

Solstice is an early 70-day maturity bicolor and was moved into the Nirvana Series in 2023. This makes it the highest eating quality in this maturity slot. Solstice has strong emergence, a good size ear, a strong husk covered tip, and exceptional tip fill. It has a quick snap for ease in picking and a short shank for packaging. Solstice’s early slot allows it to work well with Nirvana and both items will build customer loyalty with their unique bite and taste. Solstice also has the benefits of ease in planting and emergence with the new sh2i gene.

White Lightning is a main season white corn with strong emergence, a very bright white kernel color, good agronomics and highly rated eating quality. White Lightning has been an overall top performer in trials for its class

Eden RMN is the white sweet corn in the Nirvana Series. This pearl white variety has elevated disease resistance good emergence and vigor, is easy to pick and pack due to a short shank. It has strong holding power in and out of the field, and most importantly, generates a strong consumer following for its unique taste and texture. The crisp texture and bite is extraordinary and the sweetness in taste is unsurpassed. The Nirvana Series is also high yielding with uniform, full tipped ears and even rowing.

Equinox is a first early yellow variety that brings an ease in harvest and packaging with nice husk protection, a good looking ear, strong tip fill and short shank. It’s known for having the best eating quality and seedling vigor in its class.

Solstice is an early 70-day maturity bicolor and was moved into the Nirvana Series in 2023. This makes it the highest eating quality in this maturity slot. Solstice has strong emergence, a good size ear, a strong husk covered tip, and exceptional tip fill. It has a quick snap for ease in picking and a short shank for packaging. Solstice’s early slot allows it to work well with Nirvana and both items will build customer loyalty with their unique bite and taste.
Intermediate Resistance: Northern Corn Leaf Blight
Quad Sweets

Diamond Mine is a white Quad Sweet with exceptional eating quality and glossy white kernels on an 8” ear with 16-18 rows per ear. This tall, sturdy plant has good ear height and features excellent tip fill and husk protection.

Gold Standard sets the standard for eating quality in the Yellow Synergistic/Quad class. The strong emergence and plant style also make this variety stand out from its competitors.

Nectar falls into the Quad Sweets family of heirloom taste and modern sweetness. At a 78 day maturity, it works well in tandem with Temptress. Nectar has a good size plant at 7' and a nice ear height of 30". It has excellent tip fill and husk protection and overall has a very nice appearance. It is easy to harvest, as it has a quick snap, is easy to package, and stores well. Nectar, like the rest of the Quad Sweets, is a grower friendly variety and a favorite with customers for its exceptional taste.

Temptress is your early choice for the Quad Sweets as it has strong emergence and a sturdy plant. The consistency of Temptress is impressive for its early maturity, it has strong tip fill, good husk protection and even rowing on good size ears while still boosting the superb eating quality of the QuadSweets. Temptress works very well with the later maturing Nectar.
High Resistance to Common Rust (PsRpGDJ) and Intermediate Resistance to NCLB and MDM

Allrounder is a late season shipper sweet corn with high yield potential, a rugged plant style and broad geographic adaptability. It has a beautiful husk package and an attractive ear shape with good eating quality for this maturity.

Main season yellow supersweet shipper corn. Strong cold soil tolerance and the perfect ear size for packer shippers. Works well in winter plantings in the south holding tip fill and maintaining a marketable cob size.

Double Eagle combines superb emergence with a robust disease package to deliver a strong yield potential. It has an attractive ear with good color contrast.

Forerunner features a strong plant and disease package along with a durable ear for your late season needs. The plant is complimented by an attractive ear and package.

Glades Gold is suited to multiple planting slots, especially in the south. It features an attractive ear with strong disease resistance.

Inspiration is a mid to late bicolor that is flexible in its marketing slot as a roadside stand and a shipping variety. It also has great adaptability from North to South geographically On top of these characteristics, look to Inspiration to have the seedling vigor, high yield and great taste the grower and customer rely upon. Inspiration comes in a nice husk package with a good disease package inside.
Please See Augmented (sh2) for Enhanced sh2 Flavor and Traits

Stockage is a main season shipper corn for the southern markets. It is ideal for mechanical harvest.

Kristine is a large, mid-season synergistic. The added sweetness makes this hybrid overflow with flavor. The ears are cylindrical and very well filled with nice rowing. Excellent vigor and husk protection are two more pluses for this variety.

Kristine is now improved with a robust disease package. This enhances an already popular, large, mid-season synergistic variety. The added sweetness makes this hybrid overflow with flavor. The ears are cylindrical and very well filled with even rowing. Excellent vigor and husk protection are two more pluses for this consumer favorite.

Silver Duchess is a consistent producer. This large, bright white ear comes from a rugged plant with great adaptability. This high yielding, grower friendly variety also displays itself well for the consumer with good tip fill, a nice husk package and good eating quality. If youlike the King and Queen, wait until you meet the Duchess!

Sweetness begins with excellent emergence and vigor and continues its season with a sturdy plant that produces a nice ear with solid tip fill. Sweetness also has a protective package that makes a nice presentation for the consumer. The eating quality stands out as one of the best for the season.
Intermediate Resistance: Common Rust, Stewart’s Wilt, Northern Corn Leaf Blight
se & su

Ambrosia is a homozygous sugary enhancer with good eating quality. This variety is noted for its early vigor, high tolerance to Stewart’s Wilt, and its heartiness in shipping. Under stressful conditions, Ambrosia may tip blank. High Resistance: Stewart’s Wilt and Intermediate Resistance to NCLB.

Argent is a heterozygous sugary enhancer with excellent eating quality. It is noted for its wide adaptability and disease tolerance. High Resistance: Stewart’s Wilt. Intermediate Resistance: Northern Corn Leaf Blight. Intermediate Resistance: Northern Corn Leaf Blight

Crookham Company takes one of its most popular varieties and kicks it up a notch with a stronger disease package. Bodacious R/M is the same homozygous sugary enhancer, now even more dependable. High Resistance: Common Rust, MDM. Intermediate Resistance: Stewart’s Wilt, NCLB

Delectable has large well-filled ears and dark green husk. It has a wide range of adaptability and versatility in several markets. It is pleasing to the consumer for it's good texture and taste.

Honey & Cream is an old-time classic that still holds its own with good emergence and an heirloom flavor.
Intermediate Resistance: Common Rust, Northern Corn Leaf Blight

Incredible R/M is an improved, gourmet homozygous sweet corn. Incredible’s wide adaptability has made it the most popular homozygous sugary enhancer in the world, and Crookham Company has improved this dependable variety by boosting its immunity to Common Rust (Rp1GI5) and Maize Dwarf Mosaic in Incredible R/M. Incredible also has a strong reputation for being a good sweet corn to freeze.
High Resistance: Common Rust, MDM. Intermediate Resistance: Stewart’s Wilt

Sugar Buns is an early sugary enhancer and a gourmet flavored sweet corn hybrid. It has been a fast and steady favorite for many years.
Intermediate Resistance: Stewart’s Wilt, NCLB

Trinity has a clean compact plant, refined ear, and good husk protection. Trinity is an excellent early variety with superior eating quality. The high ear placement on Trinity makes this variety suitable for mechanical harvest.
High Resistance: Common Rust, Stewart’s Wilt, NCLB